Table of contents
PermalinkThought behind
Khata English meaning of Khata is a Note. Still, many Shop Keepers to small business people use a Khata to write down all their financial transactions. I have also worked as a freelancer and feel we also should keep track of our projects and their incomings in different currencies.
Project_khata is a simple Django website where User can save their projects and provides 3 different charts to visually keep a track of their works.
Permalink3 Easy steps to use Project_khata:
- Register or Login to use the website
- Select the currency of your transaction
- Add / Update/ Delete your projects
PermalinkHow I Built It.
I have used the following stacks in this project.
- It's a Django project which includes 3 Django Apps based on the functionality
- JS Ajax to perform operations
- Chart js to use chart and present data visually
Linode to deploy the application
Created a Linode server
An Important point to remember is you need totp linode IP to the allowed host while deploying in server.
Except this bootstrap is used to design the frontend and a currency.json file I have used so that user can use their preferred currency. A single user can use different currencies for different projects. you can get the JSON file from my GitHub repo
- link to github
- website link (
#Linode #LinodeHackathon